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Friday, November 30, 2007 

Somewhere In The Country, A Village Is Missing It's Idiot

What an idiot.

That's the best way i can describe soon-to-be former Senator Antonio Trillanes. What an idiot.

I was heading back home after attending the Casino Affiliate Convention in Macau (which was awesome, the country not the convention hehe) and on our plane, they announced that there was a curfew back in Manila. WTF?!?

Apparently (and i found out when i got home through the news), the grandstanding senator walked out of his trial with a handful of his men reportedly while shouting "If you want change, come with me!" and then proceeded to the Peninsula Hotel to use it as his "headquarters" and then from there incited people to rebel and take to the streets to oust president Gloria. That's how stupid he is. He walked out of his trial for rebellion TO COMMIT THE SAME CRIME ALL OVER AGAIN.

Can anybody say "define irony?"

I guess he expected AT LEAST several thousand of his SEVEN MILLION voters (he won his seat with that many votes apparently) to follow suit and support him in his noble "quest"..

A few dozen showed up.

He had ten times more support when he was a complete nobody doing the oakwood mutiny back then.

I mean, c'mon DUDE. People are tired of that bullshit. People just wanna work hard, make money, and enjoy it in peace. We don't want another EDSA. We'll have EDSA 4, 5 ,6 up to god-knows-how-many-more if we follow idiots like you.

Well, GMA was obviously not too happy with Sen. Trillidiots antics and brought the full might of the Philippine Military to Makati, tanks and all. It was fun watching them piss their pants when the government gave them FIVE minutes to leave the building, and when they did not, fired tear gas and had an APC fire those big 50inch shells to break the front of the building and then ram it into the lobby. Their supporters "(all 11 or so of them) held their ground and were promptly arrested along with their stupid leaders.

The media people who so willingly put themselves in harms' way also also acted like little crying spoiled brats when they got detained by the police and handcuffed. Apparently they think they are above the law. IDIOTS. They were basically in a crime scene, and any magdalo soldier could have pretended to be media and escaped if they were not detained and questioned. Also, it is standard operating procedure to detain ANYBODY in a crime scene for questioning, witness testimonies, etc. They were released several hours later, hopefully with a box of tissues and a lollipop to stop them from crying like babies.

I hope this is a lesson to these idiots. People want change, but not a revolution. People just want to work hard, make money, and enjoy the fruits of their labor in peace. The country is finally moving forward for the first time in the past decade, showing great signs of economic progress, and seeing the biggest influx of investors since the last time the Philippines was the "Tiger of Asia". Then these Idiots do something like this...

Kudos to our countrymen for taking this in stride and being "business as usual" about it. The stock market was apparently affected but shot right back up after the government showed it was in control. Any sane Filipino who can think for themselves just shrugged their shoulders and went on with their lives.

To the village who lost it's idiot, congratulations, you've found him. He won't be returning annytime soon though, not after he gets impeached from the Senate and charged with crimes that will send him to prison for the rest of his stupid life.



I just noticed Trillanes looks a bit like NickG...

Yeah damn media here is so arrogant. They kept asking what the charge against them was LOL you're holed up in the same place with fucking mutineers even AFTER they repeated asked you to go out. And they wonder why they were detained...

"One thing I can assure you is we have more than enough willpower, fighting spirit to bring this government down," said Antonio Trillanes ----> QUOTE OF THE CENTURY

trillanes doesn't look like me...he looks like Alan Escano

trillanes doesn't look like me...he looks like Alan Escano

They ruined my favourite hotel!


Hahaha. Yeah, he does look like Alan.

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  • The best poker I've ever played has always entailed peace. A relaxed comfort. Eyes open, ears open, radar up. Absorbing my opponent's every message. Taking them as they come. Not mixing what those messages are with what I want them to be. It's like an aerial view. A view from above the myriad luck-dependent reactions of those many people who never gain such a peace. And when you gain that view, that peace - when you'd rather have the truth, no matter how disappointing, over a false hope, no matter how desirable - then you're a player. The hand you're on slips into a stream of thousands of other hands, no one of which, because of your lofty view, seems unduly important, no false fearful emotions rise within you. When you gain the peace of lofty perspective, you're a player, and when you're a player, you're free.- from "King of a Small World" by Rick Benett
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